Effluent vs. Affluent

Effluent :- liquid waste or sewage discharged from factories, usually flown into rivers, lakes or the sea. The ruthless and profit oriented factory owners usually let the effluents flow into rivers. Industrial effluents and sewage remain a big problem for the local administrative bodies. Exemplary punishments should be meted out if toxic effluents are allowed to be flown into water bodies. . Affluent :- wealthy, rich, well-off. Affluent nations of the world offered financial assistance to Kerala to tide over the worst-ever flood crisis. He…

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Emotional vs. Emotive

Emotional = (of persons) having feelings that are easily excited and openly displayed. I have just been so emotional. He talked in a voice with emotional vibrations. Neethu easily gets emotional when it comes to her daughter’s health. He gave his son emotional support when his plans backfired on him. . Emotive = Likely to cause high emotions or arousing or able to arouse intense feelings. He used highly emotive language to stir the public feelings. Human trafficking is a highly emotive issue capturing public attention.

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Qualified vs. Unqualified

Qualified  = (1) certified, officially recognized;  having the necessary qualifications. There is a training programme for the newly qualified doctors. He’s a highly qualified engineer. We’ve to verify his academic qualifications before giving him such a responsible job. I am not qualified to give you advice on technical aspects of your project. Previous experience is an essential qualification for this job. She has all the right qualifications to be a good teacher. (2) limited, not complete or absolute ; modified in some way. The auditor…

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Master vs. Maestro

    Master. 1.  male teacher. 2.  man who has others working under him. 3.  the Master = Jesus Christ. 4.  Master of arts/Science etc = holder of the second university degree. 5.  (with a boy’s name) up to about 14 years of age. 6.  old masters = the great painters of 13th to 17th century. . Maestro = eminent music composer , teacher of music or conductor( Plural – maestri). Johnson( popularly known as Johnson master) was a great maestro and he composed a number…

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How to ask a question to get an ordinal number(3rd, 4th, 8th etc)as answer?

At the very outset let me make it amply clear that the styles of expression among various languages differ considerably. Native speakers will express their ideas( sometimes with a lot of regional slangs) in such a way that is easily and clearly understood among themselves.  Their expressions cannot be translated word for word to get the expected idea/ meaning by the people of other nationalities.  I have come across a lot of people asking for clarifications in the above case.  I would venture to outline…

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Publish vs. publicise

Publish = have (a book, periodical etc) printed and announce that it is for sale. He kept his writings with him and made no efforts to publish them. The University will soon publish the results  and the students can have them without further delay. The author found the cost of publishing by himself very high.  So he sold the patent to a publisher. (2) make known to the public (limited usage). Publish the banns of marriage = announce formally in a church the names of…

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Title vs. Caption

Title = the name given to a book ,painting, play, composition or other artistic works etc. The author decided the title of the book. The report published was titled ” Planning and Execution” The title of the play is ” King Lear”. The author’s name was printed below the title. There was a book I wanted to buy, but now I can’t remember the title. . Caption =brief explanation accompanying an illustration, cartoon or poster. The caption of the picture was ” Funny Creatures”. The…

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Useful Idioms – part 4

(1)  Get on like a house on fire = have a very good and friendly relationship. My sister and her neighbour Bindu got on like a house on fire. I was worried that they wouldn’t like each other but they are getting on like a house on fire. (2) Have a soft spot for someone or something =  you feel a great deal of affection for them or like them a lot. John’s parents always had a soft spot for their eldest son Jose and…

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Exceptional vs. Exceptionable

Exceptional = extraordinary, remarkable, unusual. Shaun is an exceptionally intelligent student. Such loans will be granted only in exceptional cases. Vaikom Vijayalakshmy is a gifted and exceptionally talented singer. He has a garden with exceptional beauty. Modifications in the original plan can be sanctioned only in exceptional cases. . Exceptionable = objectionable, causing disapproval or offence. His recent writings on individual freedom are highly unpleasant and exceptionable. You should be careful not to seem exceptionable in your language and manners. Their exceptionable remarks may arouse…

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