
Mr. Sunny Varkey K is an English Language Trainer, Grammarian and author.
He has had a keen interest in the English Language study ever since his school days and has been keeping up the spirit of learning English for a span of four decades and still continues to work hard to acquire knowledge in the functional aspects of English language.
Professionally a banker, he found time to do a bit of teaching the language along with his self studies. He has made corrections in some of the widely acclaimed English language books including ‘High School English Grammar & Composition’ by Wren & Martin, which has been revised by N.D.V Prasada Rao. Mr. Rao himself found time to acknowledge Mr.Varkey by way of a hand-written letter which he keeps along with quite a few appreciation letters. He says the inspiration received from various eminent authors through their appreciation has come a long way in his academic pursuits.
Currently he is fully engaged in language teaching ranging from students to UGC level teachers. His teaching experience sprawls a wide spectrum of educational institutions such as University centres, professional Engineering colleges, Polytechnic colleges, National level coaching centers, Civil Service academies and other affiliated colleges as a part-time or visiting faculty member, and the like.
He is a member of the Professional Trainers’ Club, Trichur. Apart from being a Resource person of Calicut University, he has authored an English Grammar book entitled SVK English Grammar and Usage.
Although himself being a Grammarian and professional English language trainer, academically he has totally different curricular pursuits. He has a Master’s in Business Administration (HRM), Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and a three year diploma(DCP) from the board of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala.
His wife is a school teacher. He has a son and a daughter. Both are Software engineers.
He undertakes to conduct English classes for High-school & college teachers who want to have extra-mastery over the language. This type of classes are designed in order to provide expert and specialized skill to the teachers. Students with extra interest and enthusiasm in learning the language will also be considered for this specialized course of English study.

Train the trainers
Conduct Advanced English Grammar sessions for language trainers. These are aimed at polishing the language and also clarifying the subtle but complex aspects of English Grammar and Usage

Language Consultant
Advise on the grammatical correctness and appropriacy of Organizational communications. Proof-read content, books.

Students Training Sessions
Introduce basic English Grammar and functional aspects to the students of Graduate and Post-graduate levels